Do you want to experience the excitement of fly-fishing at the same time meet old friends? Then you have to join and see a fly-fishing show. You may bring your family or your friends.

Yearly, fly-fishing clubs hold a fly-fishing show. Most of the time, the shows are done during the summer. Some shows are held in a close building far from any body of water, but most of the time shows are carried out in places like the riverbank, near the lake, or eco-parks.

Fly-fishing shows are scheduled on different dates all over the country. There are times that shows are held simultaneously in different places. Most of the participants are fly-fishers. Sometimes, to save money from transportation, fly-fishers would wait for a certain fly-fishing show to come to place.

In the United States, every fly-fishing club hosts a show every year. A fly-fishing show may run for two to five days, depending on the host fly-fishing club. Generally, shows are open to all, whether fly-fishers or not.

Most of the activities in a fly-fishing show are not focused on fly-fishing alone. There are also activities like seminars, tying competitions, exhibits, product sales, etc. A host fly-fishing club may also invite exhibitors, celebrities, and other famous fly-fishers to give more colors to the show. In a fly-fishing show, there can be at least fifteen different activities.

Here are some activities that most of the fly-fishing shows have:

• Exhibits – products like fishing rods, reels, flies, and other equipment are exhibited in a fly-fishing show. The latest inventions and gadgets used for fly-fishing are also included in a fly-fishing show exhibit. Pictures of different species of fish are also incorporated in a show. Books about fly fishing are sold as part of the exhibit.

• Presentations and Demonstrations – there are fly-fishing shows that showcase presentations like tying exhibitions, mini-concerts, documentaries, video clips of recent fly-fishing experiences, etc. There are also demonstrations like proper casting and retrieving, knot tying, and other skill demos on fly-fishing.

 Games – there are also games in connection with fly-fishing. Boat saddling, fly-fishing, relays, and many other games are also conducted during a show.

 Competition – these are the most enjoyable part of every fly-fishing show. Competitions do not just about fly-fishing, it can also be a competition on talents, skill in knotting, art-making, etc.

• Seminars – this is one of the most important parts of the fly-fishing show. Fly-fishing club host invites famous speakers and presenters to facilitate the seminar. Topics are all about new trends in fly-fishing or anything that have something to do with fly-fishing.

Some activities are intended for women fly-fishers. Sometimes, there are booths set for the women fly-fishers. All the activities pertain to or with relation to women fly-fishers. At times, there are skill-building activities that are exclusively conducted for women fly-fishers.

Shows are not limited locally. There are also international or worldwide shows or expos being conducted every day. Expos or shows like these are sometimes made possible through the cooperation of international fly-fishing clubs and organizations. Every year, international shows or expos are held in any country.

Fly-fishing shows are an interesting activity. It’s not just for an individual fly-fisher but the whole family as well.